The AGN Covid Business Recovery Index is a survey based on our member’s opinions about how Covid-19 has impacted their country’s economy and how fast it might recover. Each month four key data points will be published to indicate the current levels of business sentiment amongst our members. These will relate to ‘Business Confidence’ over the last 30 days and the coming 30 days, and ‘Recovery Expectation’ – Members views on how quickly things will revert to pre-covid levels of business activity.

In this edition, business confidence gets a boost as vaccines deployment gathers pace. The data shows a significant increase with the highest levels since June 2020. Is the return to normality getting closer in range?

Please have a look at March edition of the recovery index – under the link.


  • Tomasz Paszkowski
    tax advisor
  • +48 22 654 02 14
  • Send a message
  • DE, EN, PL

  • Mateusz Rudaś
    tax advisor
  • +48 22 654 02 14
  • Send a message
  • EN, DE, PL